Monday, December 10, 2007

Who You Are

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? ~ Fanny Brice

I am guilty, guilty, guilty of trying to live as I think I should be. Where do I get? Absolutely nowhere! When I live as who I am, I am freer inside. I can hear and see God in the little things. I don't have a twisted up feeling inside, worrying about what others are thinking about me or what I'm not measuring up to. All I know is that God loves me for who I am no matter what mistakes others think I am making.

Julia Cameron quotes, "Art is rebellious: You cannot name me. I am more than the sum of my parts." So there you have it. Be who you are today and everyday!!!


Missy Sue Hanson said...

It seems your posts coincide almost exactly with what I am thinking on the days I read them, lol! I just had a talk about this the other day with my fiance. He teases me about how late I stay up at night and I finally got the courage up to tell him that I am a grown woman and I can stay up as late as I want....that the seemingly playful comments were starting to make me feel as if I was different or doing something I shouldn't be doing. he apologized and said he would refrain from teasing me any further. It felt good to stand up for myself and be true to who I am......I don't do it enough, but I'm trying to change that!

Valerie Jones said...

Thank you, Missy. It's called synchronicity. Anyway, I commented on your blog the other day about posting something that I thought you'd like in a few days. Well, I already posted it last week about becoming larger or changing the way you currently do things.

Missy Sue Hanson said...

Hi, Val! Got your link added today...been so super busy with all this holiday hoopla! How has your season been? Hope it's been big on greatness and small on stress!